Sunday 7 July 2013


College is a wonderful, magical time in a young person’s life. There is so much to learn and experience in each session. In Engineering, 4 years degree is subdivided into 8 semesters & with students preparing to go back to college in new semester, there are many things on everyone’s mind, from meeting friends again, dealing with new classes etc. However, one thing remains the same for everybody: how can I make this a great semester?
There are many things one can do to ensure that he/she stays on track and don’t get overwhelmed this semester. With these simple tips, you’ll be sure to make your best semester.


  • Staying awake late: The number one way to get off track is to stay up too late. It really doesn’t do any favors in the long run. One gets tired, irritable, stressed, and falls behind in classes. Next thing is gaining weight, breaking out, and generally feeling under the weather.
  • Skip class: Like staying up too late, once you skip class, it starts to become a habit. Soon, the first mid sem rolls around and one is completely unprepared because they never went to class (or worse –didn’t even know about it). Even if the class seems stupid or unnecessary, one needs to go as often as possible. On skipping classes one will miss stuff and will fall behind, believe it or not. Obviously, if a person is sick, he/she shouldn’t go to class. However, one really needs to try their hardest all the other times!
  • Lose focus: Around midterms, lots of people are frazzled and completely confused. It can be easy to say they are giving up and leave it like that. But one needs to power through things and end the year on a strong and positive note. Just don’t use it as an excuse to give up, for the day, the month, or the semester.
  • Violate Attendance Policy: One should understand the importance of attendance & should not violate it at any cost. A minimum of 75% attendance is required per semester & a student should strive to maintain it at any cost.


  • On time: In today’s world time is money so one should not waste it & should be punctual & regular in attending college. One should reach college on time so that no classes are skipped.
  • Uniform: The word itself means equal & wearing a uniform is a symbol of equality, but one should wear it with grace & not simply for the sake of college rule.
  • Eat healthy: Its simple science and common sense: if you eat better, you’ll feel better. Ever heard the phrase you are what you eat? Well think about it…!!! If all one eats pizza, soon he/she is going to feel greasy and slow. If one opts into better foods, even for just one meal a day, they will start to see effects immediately. A person will feel healthier, and energetic. Always remember “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body”.
  • Stay organized: Writing things down is one way to stay organized. If one remembers to write down the classes, assignments, work schedules and everything else in between, chances are much higher that they will actually remember to do them! Make a habit of writing things down right after you hear about them, so you won’t risk forgetting. Then, make a time each day before bed where you can review what you have to do for the upcoming day.
  • Set goals & Study Regularly:  Sometimes, the beginning of a new semester can be daunting. All new classes, a completely different schedule to memorize and navigate. People can get so overwhelmed with all the things that are happening right at once that they forget to step back and look at the bigger picture. To achieve success on should set clear goals & should work constantly & sincerely to achieve them. Remember “Rome was not built in a Day” & success requires perseverance.
  • Daily Assignments: Make a habit of completing the assignments daily. This will also aid you in submitting them within the stipulated time. Assignments not only act as a source of self prepared notes but writing them also helps in comprehending the content easily.

Above mentioned tips might be helpful to boost up motivational level of students….


Sagar Institute of Science and Technology (SISTec, SISTec-E, SISTec-R)


  1. TPSC Admit Card 2019 will be available soon for 100 posts exam. Applicants can download TPSC Hall Ticket before 17.03.2019.

  2. SSC CGL Notification 2018 details are available. Staff Selection Commission is recruiting for the Group B and Group C posts through online mode
